Archive of Massachusetts ENvironmental Data

Website and analysis code for AMEND, the Archive of Massachusetts Environmental Data


Our mission is to promote access to public data related to environmental regulation in Massachusetts, to enable advocates, journalists, and other stakeholders to develop evidence-based positions on the water policy issues facing our Commonwealth.


We welcome your feedback to make AMEND better, including bug reports, feature enhancements, suggestions for datasets to integrate, and more.

The best way to report your comments and ideas is to create an issue on our GitHub issue tracker. Alternatively, you can contact us at


All source code associated with AMEND is available on the project’s GitHub repository.

You can contribute to AMEND by issuing pull requests to that repository. There, you can also fork your own version of AMEND to generate improvements or adapt it to other states or localities.

AMEND was developed primarily by Nathan E. Sanders with guidance and support by members of the Mystic River Watershed Association’s Policy Committee.