Archive of Massachusetts ENvironmental Data

Website and analysis code for AMEND, the Archive of Massachusetts Environmental Data

EPA Massachusetts EJSCREEN data

Data source

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a tabulated environmental justice (EJ) dataset and mapping tool called EJSCREEN. The EJSCREEN dataset consists of information across a variety of environmental indicators like stream toxicity, demographic indicators like the percentage of residents reporting membership in a racial minority group, and EJ indexes like ozone pollution levels for each US Census block group. This data originates from the US Census, EPA, and other sources.

The US EPA provides extensive documentation and a description of limitations and caveats for this data on their website.

The US EPA makes the tabulated EJSCREEN data available on an FTP site. The 2017 and 2023 versions of these records have been filtered to MA Census block groups and archived on this site, last updated on 17 October 2023.

A data dictionary for the EJSCREEN data is available at

Download archive

In addition to including this data in the integrated AMEND Database, we provide them in CSV format below.

Data table: 2017 MA EJSCREEN Data

For brevity, a random sample of 10 rows from the EJSCREEN table is shown below for illustration as to the table’s form and content. Because there are more than 100 columns in this dataset, only a few are shown here for illustration.

Block Group ID State Ozone Racial Minority Pct Land Area
250173106012 MA 37.3521233333 0.444512381535 3441077.0
250173400003 MA 35.7302933333 0.471111111111 174933.0
250092608002 MA 37.2066083333 0.611338797814 431524.0
250010152001 MA 40.1266616667 0.0530546623794 8550902.0
250173652023 MA 36.6294383333 0.137410643368 5726413.0
250173581004 MA 35.8259283333 0.342937456079 1365551.0
250110406003 MA 37.1239766667 0.0165853658537 115950683.0
250056406003 MA 38.8324333333 0.179748352307 180821.0
250235611002 MA 39.118255 0.111829944547 2222613.0
250277330003 MA 37.6774683333 0.571428571429 468815.0

Data table: 2023 MA EJSCREEN Data

For brevity, a random sample of 10 rows from the EJSCREEN table is shown below for illustration as to the table’s form and content. Because there are more than 100 columns in this dataset, only a few are shown here for illustration.

Block Group ID State Ozone Racial Minority Pct Land Area
250010130021 MA 59.77136 0.150515464 7153460.0
250092544011 MA 54.67033 0.444073456 2558247.0
250214431051 MA 58.24968 0.241537054 10802299.0
250092544032 MA 54.78944 0.327433628 2016662.0
250110415021 MA 55.08709 0.078692494 58142111.0
250173824001 MA 56.67007 0.245923913 451965.0
250173547001 MA 57.66686 0.368603643 207470.0
250250612031 MA 58.69081 0.244525547 352712.0
250259807001 MA 57.93349 0.0 2888945.0
250173342003 MA 56.41243 0.122352941 475139.0